house name plates in Jalpaiguri

Know everything about Mild Steel name plate | Jalpaiguri

Know everything about Mild Steel name plate

Mild steel is the steel that combines iron and carbon. Mild steel has great impact strength, great ductility and weldability, good malleability with cold-forming possibilities. Durability: Mild steels are robust, durable and can be easily machined and welded. They are also relatively less costly, making them a popular choice for low budget name plates. Suitability: The most commonly used and affordable name plates are made of acrylic as they suit all kinds of places & backgrounds. Colors: The two...


What to write on name plate for home? Jalpaiguri

What to write on name plate for home?

Usually, the surname of the family is mentioned on the name plate. Nowadays, people also mention the names of all family members on the name plate. It is important to keep the nameplate stylish but simple as per Vastu guidelines. Do not clutter it with too many designs, calligraphy, engravings, and idols of deities. Refrain from using stylish fonts that are thin, wavy and hence, illegible.

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