house name plates in Koraput

Know everything about Hylum name plate | Koraput

Know everything about Hylum name plate

Hylum sheet is a hard, dense material made by applying heat and pressure to layers of paper or glass cloth impregnated with phenolic resin. Durability: Hylum name plates are light in weight, a good electrical insulator, and resistant to water and chemical making it durable raw material for name plates. Hylum name plates are long lasrti8ng & weather resistant. Suitability: The most commonly used and affordable name plates are made of acrylic as they suit all kinds of places...


Why do we need name plates? Koraput

Why do we need name plates?

The first thing a person visiting our home or office sees is a name plate. It gives the identity to your house or office, making it different for the neighborhood. The name board makes it easier for a visitor to any home or office to get the necessary information about the people he is to meet inside. The name plate also conveys a lot of information about the name and choices of a family or...

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