Can I put house in Childs name? Palamu
“Sarang” is a girl’s name of Korean origin. Meaning “love” and “affection” this name will remind baby of how much their parent loves them, to love others, and to love theirself.
“Sarang” is a girl’s name of Korean origin. Meaning “love” and “affection” this name will remind baby of how much their parent loves them, to love others, and to love theirself.
What is the Sanskrit name for house? There are many sanskrit names for a 'House'…. Like -Griham, Sadanam, Niketam, Aalayam, Bhavanam, Mandiram, Kuteeram etc….
How do I name my villa? Luxe Retreat. Horse & Chariot. The Throne Room. Homestead Villa. Spa Resort. Penthouse Paradise. Villa in the Clouds. Sunset Villa.
What is the Sanskrit name for house? There are many sanskrit names for a 'House'…. Like -Griham, Sadanam, Niketam, Aalayam, Bhavanam, Mandiram, Kuteeram etc